Create Event


Start Date for the next event in this series.

End Date for the next event in this series.

Number of events including the original and next event start. Number should be at least 2.

Recommend choosing up to three Topics

Add a representative image for your event. Event flyers should not be added here, use attachments instead.

Please add descriptive text to accompany your image. Alternative text is important for visually-impaired users who rely on screen readers.

The link title is limited to 128 characters maximum.


Allowed file types: pdf
Event Contact

Visitors to this event posting will be notified that the person listed here is the contact for more information about this event, including requests for disability-related accommodations.

Please enter the department/college.unit holding this event. Examples: College of Science, Steward Observatory


Considerations for Disability-Related Access and Accommodations

It is our goal at the University of Arizona that all events and experiences are as accessible and inclusive as possible. Please consider the following as you plan your event.

  • Include information on how to request disability-related accommodations including ASL Interpreters or CART in your marketing and/or registration materials. We recommend this statement: To request disability-related accommodations that would ensure your full participation in this event, please contact: (Requests for disability-related accommodations should be directed to the person listed as the contact for this event.)
  • Ensure physical location is wheelchair-accessible with accessible restrooms in close proximity.
  • If amplified sound will be used, it is required that Assistive Listening devices are available.
  • Videos should be captioned. Make sure to order a captioned version or work with the Disability Resource Center (DRC) to caption media.

The Disability Resource Center is available to consult on any of the above items. Feel free to contact us at sends e-mail) or visit the Disability Resource Center's website for additional information about ensuring your event is accessible to everyone.

Required, but will not be displayed in calendar listing.

Required, but will not be displayed in calendar listing.

Required, but will not be displayed in calendar listing.

Required, but will not be displayed in calendar listing.